Promoting Education and Child Protection among Crisis Affected Adolescent Girls and Boys in Cox’s Bazar

"Promoting Education and Child Protection among Crisis Affected Adolescent Girls and Boys in Cox’s Bazar”

Tanjil Ahmed 

Table of Content


S.L No.

Name of the topics

Page No.

1.       1.



2.       2.

Context of the baseline study


3.       3.

Objectives of the Study


4.       4.

Research Questions


5.       5.

Literature Review


6.       6.

Research Methodology


7.       7.

Logical Framework  


8.       8.

Ethical Consideration


9.       9.

Expected Deliverables


   .   10.

Tentative Time Frame


1      11.



"Promoting education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar"

1.      Introduction:

Adolescents constitute a nation's core resource for national renewal and growth. Adolescence is a period in life when a shift from childhood to adulthood takes place and behaviors and lifestyles are shaped. World Health Organization (WHO) explains adolescence is the period that shapes the future of girls' and boys' lives (Organization, 2020). There are 31 million adolescents in Bangladesh and they make up 21 percent of the population where 13.7 million of them are girls and 14.3 million boys (UNICEF, 2020). Adolescents take additional responsibilities, experiment with new ways of doing things, and push for independence at the time of their physical and mental growth. It is a time in which values and skills are developed that have a great impact on well-being. But in Bangladesh, the potential of adolescents in improving their own lives and communities is quite unused. Bangladesh's cultural context generally does not inspire adolescents to share their views, problems, raise their voices, or question adults on matters distressing their lives. Further, the situation of adolescents in Bangladesh is considered by inequality and subordination within the family and society. This inequality marginalization or exclusion from health, education and economic opportunities, and vulnerability to violence and sexual abuse. Consequently, their necessities and susceptibilities are often unaddressed as adolescent-friendly services continue to be unfamiliar concepts in Bangladesh.  Especially, crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys including Rohingya refugees (are forced to leave their native countries due to racial, political, religious and ethnic persecution and they are unable to return their home country) at Whykong, Leda and Teknaf Sadar Unions (has seen an influx of Rohingya refugees) under Teknaf Upazila in Cox's Bazar have suffered much from their necessities like education and child protection.  Due to inadequate assessment, policies, monitoring, and financial support (aid) marginalized and vulnerable adolescent's education rates are too poor in these areas. Only 8% of females and 13% male could complete their secondary education under Taknaf Upazila (ISCG, 2017). The current scenario of the literacy rate of Whykong Union, Leda Union, and Teknaf Sadar Union is very disappointing respectively 20%, 34.02%, and 42.54%.


Source: (BASIS, 2020)

Figure 1: Current Literacy rate Whykong, Leda and Teknaf Sadar Union 


Besides the general view, recent estimates suggested 34% of refugee children aged 3-14 and 97% of youth aged 15-24 are without access to education while 31% of households face protection concerns which are also horrific for the refugees in hosting community.

Conversely, the child protection arrangement of these union Parishads is not pleasing.  A general scenario of an adolescent's child protection arrangement in Teknaf Upazila is terrible. According to a study of ISCG (2018), 35% of females aged 20-25 years were reported to have married before age 18, 18% of households reported the presence of at-risk children, Children involved in child labor 11%, Separated children 2%.


                                                                      Source: (ISCG, 2017)

            Figure-2: Child Protection rate of Whykong, Leda and Teknaf Sadar Union


But it is strongly argued that the most valuable key to success in human life is education and is called the backbone of a nation. The supremacy of education is not only in academic knowledge but also in finding one's place in the world and attaining life experience (Kristen, 2019). Besides, child protection is another issue of protecting children from violence, exploitation, and mishandling against child marriage, sexual exploitation, trafficking, child labor and child marriage for making them as contributing members of the society (UNICEF, Child Protecction from voilance, exploitation and abuse , 2020). This baseline study will focus on Promoting education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys who are marginalized in Cox's Bazar to promote the inclusion of their voices in decision-making and appropriate tailored support for this group.

This general purpose of this baseline study will effort to set up safe shared and home-based learning spaces to promote access to learning opportunities for adolescents girls and boys (aged 6-17 years) through a community-based approach.

The target group of this project is adolescent girls and boys who are in and out of education and support their access to alternative learning spaces (shared and home-based learning spaces) in both refugee and host communities, as well as formal schools in host communities.

Conversely, the baseline study will be combined with consciousness-raising for community members on child protection issues, available services, and how to create enabling and safe environments for children and adolescents. In this regard, case management, psychosocial support, recreational activities will be steered to promote education and child protection.

Additionally, this study will increase community awareness, formal and informal learning opportunities, skill development, and access psychosocial support, and other protection services regarding adolescent education and child protection (violent disciplining, child labor, early marriage, and gender-based violence).

2.      Context of the Baseline Study

Although there have been extensive studies on adolescents in the world, a growing number of authors and scholars adduced that adolescents tend to contribute adversely to the safety, political, social, and economy of State (Turkoglu & Chadefaux, 2018). In the same line numbers of scholars and institutions argued adolescent boys and girls in Bangladesh have been suffered and tortured in respect of child laboring, early marriage, sexual harassment, trafficking, and gender-based violence.   


Especially the marginalized and vulnerable adolescents are suffered much in such issues. The context of this baseline study is about adolescent boys and girls in Teknaf Upazila in Bangladesh for promoting education and child protection.


Teknaf  Upazila of Cox’s Bazar district in the division of Chittagong, forms the southernmost point in mainland Bangladesh. The name of the region comes from the Naf River which forms the eastern boundary of the Upazila. It shares the border with Burma and that’s why this area is considered as refugee’s influx. After extensive violence in Myanmar in August 2017, more than 9.5 million people (906,572) people (55% children), settled in camps around Cox’s Bazar, remain displaced and in need of assistance. There is a huge amount of crisis-affected Rohingya and host adolescents have underprivileged their education and protection as well as basic rights in Teknaf Upazila. 


That’s why this baseline study has occupied on such crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys for promoting their education and protection in Camp 21, 22, and 24 under Whykong and Leda unions under Teknaf Upazila and in Host Community Teknaf Sadar and Whykong union, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The main purpose of this baseline study is to promote education and child protection of crisis-affected, marginalized, and vulnerable adolescent girls and boys in three Union of Teknaf Upazila. Additionally, the general objective of this project will work to set up safe shared and home-based learning spaces to improve access to learning opportunities for girls and boys aged 6-17 years through a community-based approach to train the education facilitators and support workers to provide learning in an age-friendly and gender-appropriate approach. To conduct this study, qualitative method has been applied.  Interviews and focus group discussion (FGD) tools will be adopted while for qualitative survey will be conducted. However, a logical framework has developed correspondingly to assess the overall baseline study.  


3.      Objectives of the Study:


The broad objective of this baseline study is to promote education and child protection among crises affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar (Camp 21, 22 and 24 under Whykong, Leda, and Teknaf Sadar Unions under Teknaf Upazila).


The specific objectives are –


a)      To set up safe shared and home-based learning (formal and informal education) spaces to improve access to learning opportunities for adolescent girls and boys in study areas.

b)      To increase capacity building (protection) knowledge, awareness, protection, practice, engagement, activeness and other aspects of target group toward the response of violence

c)      To illustrate age and gender appropriate case management services to respond towards the protection needs of crisis-affected girls and boys from the host and refugee communities in study areas.

d)     To explore quality community-based psychosocial intervention needs of crisis-affected girls and boys from the host and refugee communities in study areas.


4.      Research Questions:

Every research questions contain the inquiry questions.


A.    A. What are the policy initiatives taken for promoting education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar (Camp 21, 22 and 24 under Whykong, Leda, and Teknaf Sadar Unions under Teknaf Upazila) in Bangladesh?


a)      What are the social as well as capacity-building initiatives (awareness raising, campaign for education) taken for promoting education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar?

b)      What are the government policies taken for protecting child from early marriage, laboring, violence and trifling?

c)      What are the financial initiatives (education stipend, distribution of education materials) taken for increasing the participants of adolescent in school/colleges, curriculum development, policies for evaluation and assessment of achievement and mobile learning?

d)     What are the collaborating initiatives (like teacher trainings, counselling, and mental grooming) taken for establishing environment friendly education system in the study area?


B.     B. What are the elements of formal and informal education systems for safe and accessible learning environments in study areas?


a)      What are the elements for taking formal education like school, colleges, universities, madrasah for taking formal education?

b)      What are the elements for taking informal education like home based learning, spontaneous learning and natural way of learning?

c)      How many NGO based educational institutions for promoting education system in study areas?

C.  C.   How to set up safe shared and home-based learning spaces to improve access to learning opportunities for adolescent girls and boys in the study areas?


a)      What the current status are of shared and home based learning for adolescent girls and boys in the study areas?

b)      What are the challenges in setting shared and home based learning spaces in the study areas?

c)      What are the ways on strengthening shared and home based learning spaces in the study areas?


D.   D. How to increase capacity building (protection) knowledge, awareness, protection, practice, engagement, activeness, and other aspects of the target group toward the response of violence?

a)      What are the workshop, seminar and training programs existing for improving capacity, awareness and protection   of crisis affected adolescent boys and girls in study area?

b)      What are the campaigning and cultural programs taken for protection, practice, engagement of crisis affected adolescent boys and girls in study area?


E.    E.  How to illustrate age and gender appropriate case management services to respond to the protection needs of crisis-affected girls and boys from host and refugee communities in study areas?

a)      What are the initiatives taken for reducing gender based violence and discriminations of study area? 


F.  F. What are the gaps between policy and practice regarding promoting education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in study areas?

5. Review of Literatures:

Adolescence refers to the period of human growth that happens between childhood and adulthood. Also, adolescence originates with biological maturation, when young people must bring about developmental tasks and develop a sense of personal identity (D. & Dr., 2014). It begins at around age 10 and ends around age 21. Adolescent girls and boys face different physical and psychological changes. But the most vulnerable and marginalized conflict-affected adolescent girls and boys suffer much due to their socio-economic conditions. They have deprived of their fundamental rights including education, health, safety, and security.


Especially, the adolescent boys and girls in Rohingya refugees and their host communities are many sufferings at Teknaf Upazila in Cox's Bazar. After Rohingya migrants in Cox's Bazar in August 2017, the problems of education and child protection have increased in such vulnerable and marginalized groups. At present, the adolescent's boys and girls including Rohingya and host community access to quality education are burning questions in this area. In line with this discussion, child protection as well as safety and security issues need too much concern. Formal education, public awareness, and training recognized as a process by which human beings and societies can reach their fullest potential. Education is a pre-requisite for promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of people to address environmental and developmental issues. Both formal and non-formal education are indispensable to change adolescent girls and boy's attitudes so that they can promote the inclusion of their voices in decision-making and appropriate tailored support, and response violence, to access and address psychological issues and sustainable development. To be effective and environment-friendly education should deal with the dynamic of both formal and non-formal education systems. Along with child protection from day laboring, sexual harassment, early marriage, child trafficking, and kidnapping, touching, etc. are important issues for vulnerable and marginalized adolescences in Teknaf, Cox's Bazar.

Byrne Catherine, Gunta Philip, Murray Lori illustrate the study on Joint Participatory Child Protection Assessment with Rohingya Adolescents. The study focuses on inter-agency child protection program design and implementation. The assessment specifically illustrates child protection risks affecting adolescents (unsafe locations, physical and verbal abuse, exploitation including trafficking and violating socio-cultural norms); knowledge, attitudes, and practices amongst adolescents when seeking help for child protection concerns (social barrier, less awareness of the availability of individual case management services); and existing child protection services for adolescents (lack of inclusion, lack of infrastructure of adolescent and communication gap among themselves). They used to collaborative participatory approach to engage Adolescent Club members in shaping the study. This study only focuses on child protection in specific issues like Rohingya adolescents, not focus on the host communities as well as education issues (Lori, Philip, & Catherine, 2019).

UNICEF conducted a study on the Humanization Situation Report in Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh.  The study clarifies four key strategies for Rohingya and their host community development underling the issues of saving lives and protecting children, promoting social cohesion and confidence building, strengthened program implementation capacity, and working with national strategies as development actors of the country. It conducted on Ukiya Upazila in Cox's Bazar where they operated in child protection and education issues. The study highlights that programs are static and mobile Child-Friendly Spaces, Safe Spaces for Women and Girls, home-based Adolescent Clubs for skill development, center-based Adolescent Friendly Spaces, women with a range of protection services. For host communities, UNICEF provided as community-based child protection committees (CBCPCs) and Child Welfare Board. On the other hand, the study illustrates UNICEF expanded access to non-formal education for both hosting and refugees in Cox's Bazar including teachers trained on effective teaching methodologies, cash grants to set up educational institutions, guidelines for improving quality and effective education, to develop a comprehensive district-level consolidated primary education plan, and provide the platform for effective engagement of the district education (UNICEF, Humanization Situation Report in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh, 2018).

USAID accompanied a study on adolescents in Bangladesh. The study mainly focuses on the safety and security of girl adolescents regarding sexual and reproductive health and education services.  The objective of their study was to identify programmatic and evidence gaps, as well as best practices, and support the development of effective, inclusive, and sustainable ASRH programs that can operate at scale. The study argues that govt. of Bangladesh and different NGOs have worked to address sexual and reproductive health issues in Bangladesh. But these activate have often been fragmented and are not well documented and evaluated. Additionally, the study principally focused on cultural taboo, shortage of information among adolescents, to identify gaps in programming knowledge and practice, to effectively and efficiently provide SRH services that meet the needs of adolescents and ensure efficient use of available resources. But this study has provided a general overview of all adolescents in Bangladesh and not focus on child protection and Rohingya adolescent in Cox's Bazar area (Ainul Sigma, 2017).

In the past few years, different scholars and authors have extensively written about adolescence, but preliminary literature review shows that there is lack of studies to provide any model to explain as what factors contribute to promoting education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar in Bangladesh. Similarly, the above studies explain the improvement process and initiatives of vulnerable, marginalized, and backward sections of Bangladesh focusing on specific areas except Whykong, Leda, and Teknaf Sadar Unions under Teknaf Upazila. Hence, this study focuses on promoting education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar as well as study areas. 

Additionally, the study will be combined with consciousness-raising for community members on child protection issues, available services, and how to create enabling and safe environments for children and adolescents. In this regard, case management, psychosocial support, recreational activities will be steered to promote education and child protection in the study areas.

5.      Research Methodology:


Relevant data will be collected using both primary and secondary sources. The study will be conducted in a mixed method approach: meaning it intends to apply both qualitative and quantitative research methods which will include different participants and respondents of study area.


Who and What










Content analysis

(Literatures review)

As part of the study, brief review of available literature and government policies, articles, books, research papers and other materials related to the research issues will be reviewed.

To know the different initiatives and previous study.




Representative of Plan International, UP representatives,  UP officials (Ups secretary), INGOs/NGOs

To gather a detail and deep picture of situation, total KII will be conducted. With the intention to understand the realistic situation of research areas

FGD (FGD participants will include case study)

Parents of adolescent,  marginalized and vulnerable adolescent girls and boys including Rohingya and host communities,

To gather in-depth scenario


Quantitative tool


Interview (survey)

 258  adolescent girls, boys and others (disable, orphan)

To portraying the gross scenario of the target areas and issues





Others (Orphan, disable)



Table 1: Methodology 


6.1        Sampling and Analysis Plan:

A totality of 258 respondents (86 boys, 86 girls and others 86) will be selected from the inhabitants of three specific Union Parishads (Whykong, Leda and Teknaf Sadar Unions) under Teknaf Upazila. Collected data will be organized characteristically and the coding activities will be done manually. Prepared data will be analyzed statistically with data analysis software ‘MS Excel’ and ‘Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)’ and will be presented in the report accordingly. In the whole research process, ethical ground and confidentiality will be maintained strictly.


6.2  Sampling plan for the research is as follows:


Table 2: Sample Size for Survey




Upazila Parishad

Union Parishad

Rohingya Camp/Host community

Criteria of respondent

No of respondent in each UP


Cox’s Bazar


1 No. Whykong UP


Camp no. 21, 22, 24

Rohingya and host Adolescences (boys, girls and others)




Cox’s Bazar


2 No. Leda UP

Adolescences (boys, girls and others) under Rohingya Camp.




Cox’s Bazar


3 No. Teknaf Sadar UP

Host community

Adolescences (boys, girls and others)  under Host Community




No of Total Respondents


Table 3: Sample Size for Qualitative Research 



Criteria of respondent

No of respondent

Total no of respondents









Rohingya camp 21, 22 and 24 under

1 No. Whykong UP (including host community),

2 No. Leda UP and

3 No. Teknaf Sadar UP  (Host Community)

Representative of Plan International

2 (from each UP)

6 (2x3 UPs)

UP representatives

2 (from each UP)

6 (2x3 UPs)

UP officials

1 (from each UP)

3 (1x3 UPs)


2 (from each UP)

6 (2x3 UPs)

Adolescent Parents

3 (from each UP)

9 (3x3 UPs)



30  Respondents

Case Study

2 from each UP

6 Cases


6. 3 Data collection and analysis:

Data will be collected based on a structured survey questionnaire as part of the quantitative tool and for qualitative data collection for KII and FGD purpose a checklist will be prepared and followed. After collection from field data will be coded accordingly (morally) and analyzed statistically.


7. Logical Framework:

Since the main aim of this baseline study is to promote education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar, this logical framework will be helpful to obtain the overall study objectives under assessing the adolescent’s boys and girls exiting status in selected study areas.


Project Summary


Means of Verification

Risks / Assumptions




Promoting education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar.

Increase quality education and promote the adolescents inclusion of their voices in decision-making than before

Comparison of previous and exiting status

Some problems may arise during implementation period like cultural issues







Sustainable adolescents development through promotion of education as well as attitudes, knowledge, values and norms etc.



All adolescent boys and girls including Rohingya and host community will get safe living and standard education accommodations. 





Expected results



Comfortable education and living standard including adolescents and community  development

Improve life skills

Access to protection support

Reduce child labouring, child marriage, trafficking, sexual assault, and gander based violence.






Access to alternative learning spaces




Increase communication and collaboration capacity of  Rohingya and host community





Close observation 


Community conflict arises due to communication gap


Access to psychosocial support


Community meetings for knowledge sharing to disseminate information.

Perceiving quality  education and enable to response against violence









To set up safe shared and home-based learning spaces


Technical support and quality assurance for the development of learning materials, community-based activities.





Progress report of the project though effective monitoring and evaluation process.





Marginalized and vulnerable Rohingya & host adolescents and are interested to participate

To build awareness among host and Rohingya adolescents boys and girls

Campaign for increasing adolescent awareness.

To create enabling and safe environment

Participation capacity and freedom of opinion.

To provide psychosocial support

Cooperation and mental ability and cultural events.

To enable protection services

Community based initiative.

Table : Logical Framework of the Study

The above table shows the logical framework which will be helpful to assess this baseline study. The integrated part of the logical framework has four major categories i.e goal, outcomes, output and activities, and four sub-categories i.e project summary, indicators, verification, and risks/assumptions. Every part of this framework has illustrated the study objectives, expected outputs, and outcomes under the several initiatives/activities.

The main goal of this framework is to promote education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar where the indicator shows that increase quality education and promote the adolescents' inclusion of their voices in decision-making than before.  A comparison of previous and exiting status verifies the goals of the baseline study where cultural issues assumed as a risk.

The outcomes of the framework show sustainable adolescent development through the promotion of education including attitudes, knowledge, values and norms, access to protection support, reduce child laboring, child marriage, trafficking, sexual assault, and gender-based violence. The indicator of such outcomes demonstrates standard education and safe living accommodations for all adolescents’ boys and girls including Rohingya and the host community. The assumption of the outcomes is the comfortable education and living standard adolescents and host community where expected results verify the outcomes of this baseline study.

The outputs of the logical framework are access to psychosocial support, community meetings for knowledge sharing, perceiving quality education, and enable to response against violence. The indicator of these outputs demonstrates the communication and collaboration capacity of Rohingya and the host community where close observation verify the outputs of the framework.  The assumption of the output is regarded as a community conflict that may happen due to the communication gap.

However, the most essential part of this logical framework is its activities as well as actions. The activities of the logical framework are to build awareness among host and Rohingya adolescents’ boys and girls about their problems, to create a safe and enabling environment for fixing their issues. Moreover, psychosocial support and protection services are also regarded as the activities of the logical framework. The indicator of such activities demonstrates awareness, participation, cooperation, and freedom of opinion capacity of the adolescent’s boys and girls under the host and Rohingya community. Effective monitoring and evaluation process verify the activities of the framework where the interest of the marginalized and vulnerable adolescents have been regarded as assumptions of this logical framework.

8. Ethical Consideration


This study will be maintained research ethics. Voluntary participation; confidentiality; consent before interviews and survey as well as participants privacy will be maintained.  Besides, the authors of this study adheres to no harm policy; where no individuals or groups belonging to any segment will be harmed in any way. Additionally, the team will go through child protection training; so as to ensure that they are well aware and comply with child protection guideline. The study will be helpful to promote education and child protection among crisis-affected adolescent girls and boys in Cox's Bazar. Moreover, in this study, personal information, interviews and opinions of the participants will be hidden for ensuring participants sanctuary and protection.

9. Expected Deliverables:

The expected deliverables of the report will have the following structure-

  • ·         Title page
  • ·         Acknowledgments
  • ·         Executive summary
  • ·         List of acronyms
  • ·         Table of contents and lists of figures and tables
  • ·         Introduction and Background
  • ·         Methodology
  • ·         Data analysis
  • ·         Results (it should be organized as per study objectives), result based recommendation
  • ·         References
  • ·         Annexes


The author/organization will produce and submit the following deliverable


  • ·         An inception report containing final methodology and work plan.
  • ·         Study instruments pretested, finalized and printed in Bangla.
  • ·         Draft report containing detailed findings, well blended qualitative and quantitative analysis on findings.
  • ·         Presentation of the key findings to the staff members of Plan International Bangladesh and different stakeholders.
  • ·         Final report will be submitted in two copies with spiral binding along with soft copy in MS Word.
  • ·         The report will be delivered in acceptable English. If required, the consultant/Consulting firm will arrange for proof reading to maintain the quality.
  • ·         All field notes, and data set (in SPSS) and other relevant materials will be submitted.

10. Time Line

11. References:


Ainul Sigma, B. A. (2017). Adolescents in Bangladesh: A Situation Analysis of Programmatic Approaches to Sexual and Reproductive Health Education and Services. Dhaka: USAID; Evidencce.

BASIS, D. B. (2020, 06 21). Teknaf Union Information . Retrieved from Bangladesh National Portal:

D., K., & Dr., C. (2014). Adolescents with HIV : Specific Issues and a Model of Care.

ISCG, G. c. (2017). Multi Sector Need Assessmesnt -Host Community: Teknaf Upazila, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Cox's Bazar: Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid.

Kristen, H. (2019, July 21). What is Education . Retrieved from Quora:

Lori, M., Philip, G., & Catherine, B. (2019). Joint Participatory Child Protection Assessment with Rohingya Adolescents. Cox's Bazar: Save the Children, Danish Red Cross, Plan International, UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, World Concern.

Organization, W. H. (2020, June 22). Maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health. Retrieved from

UNICEF. (2018). Humanization Situation Report in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. Cox's Bazar: Bangladesh Joint Reponse Plan. Retrieved from

UNICEF. (2020, June 22). Adolescents in development, On-ground and on airwaves, UNICEF platforms prepare youths for positive action. Retrieved from Unicef for every child of Bangladesh :

UNICEF. (2020, June 21). Child Protecction from voilance, exploitation and abuse . Retrieved from Unicef for every child:  

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